2012 Endeavor Cruise #1 (EN505)
Research vessel: R/V Endeavor
Dates: 4/12/2012 - 4/24/2012
Port: Gulfport, MS
Chief Scientist(s):
Dr. Vernon Asper
Purpose of cruise: Benthic lander and trap deployments
Research vessel: R/V Endeavor
Dates: 4/12/2012 - 4/24/2012
Port: Gulfport, MS
Chief Scientist(s):
Dr. Vernon Asper
Purpose of cruise: Benthic lander and trap deployments
2016 Deep Corals & Oil Cruise |
2016 Fall Mooring and Lander Cruise |
2016 Endeavor Cruise |
2016 Pelican Cruise #1 |
2014 Pelican Cruise #4 |
2014 Nautilus Cruise |
2014 Pelican Cruise #3 |
2014 Pelican Cruise #2 |
2014 Atlantis Cruise |
2014 Pelican Cruise #1 |
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